Monday, December 13, 2010

Out of the Ashes, the Phoenix has risen for the Maryland Republican Party

"Out of the Ashes, the Phoenix has risen for the Maryland Republican Party"

By Augustus Alzona, former elected 2-term Montgomery County Republican State Central Committee Member.

Right after the 2002 gubernatorial elections, the incoming Ehrlich administration chose to anoint a rich, local businessman, John Kane, as Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party.  An Ehrlich-approved slate of other officer candidates (1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Treasurer, etc.), mainly white males with the exception of the 3rd Vice Chair and Secretary appointees, was also “elected” by acclamation.  That team of chosen candidates was officially placed into office by the virtual unanimous consent of all the state central committee members present at the 2002 quadrennial convention of the state Party.

What both they and the Ehrlich campaign did and/or did not do during their four years in office was partially responsible for the failed reelection bid of Ehrlich in 2006, plus the loss of Republican seats in certain key areas of the state.

Right after the 2006 gubernatorial elections debacle, somewhat of a free-for-all campaign for state party leadership lead up to the 2006 Quadrennial Convention.  Chairman candidate, Jim Pelura, whom many thought to be the Ehrlich and/or Party establishment's man, easily won that race over an insurgent candidate who felt screwed over by the Ehrlich team that year.  White males were elected to ALL the other state leadership (party officer) positions as well.  However, their particular racial status were not as harmful to the Party’s outreach (“Big Tent”) efforts as the fact that most of those elected did NOT represent their respective county constituencies as they should have.  Regardless, the credibility gap between the state party leadership and the local grassroots Party faithful continued on for another four years, despite the efforts of recently departed Chairperson, Audrey Scott (elected 11/2009 to replace Pelura, who had just resigned).

Fast forward to December 2010. - DESPITE the concerted behind-the-scenes efforts of the Maryland Republican Party’s establishment, with the open support of the lamestream media and the Washington establishment (regardless of Party), to maintain control over the rank and file of the Party statewide by the election of Mary Kane, outgoing MD State Senator Alex X. Mooney easily won election as its new chairman.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mission Accomplished! - With Tea Party help, traditional grassroots conservatives insure Mooney elected Maryland GOP Chairman.

In a hotly contested race, State Senator Alex X. Mooney of Frederick, was elected Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party at its Quadrennial Convention in Annapolis, Maryland, this morning.  Grassroots conservatives, including "Tea Party" members, insured a solid victory for Mooney by the second round of balloting taken after Mike Esteves, William Campbell and Sam Hale dropped out of the race.  One significant highlight of Mooney's victory is that he received the majority of Montgomery County's votes (a non-weighted tally of 23 raw votes to Mary Kane's 18).

In addition to all of those others who voted for Alex, we especially thank Montgomery County Republican Central Committee Members Al Phillips (LD 39), Jeff Brown (LD 39) and Rick Hansen (LD 14), for helping us rally members within the county.  Rick Hansen also helped facilitate candidate Sam Hale's honorable withdrawal from the race after the first ballot plus Hale's having asked his supporters to switch their earlier votes over to Mooney.

We would also like to thank Joe Burns (Carroll County), Erik Robey (Anne Arundel County)  and Joe Crawford (Charles County) for their leadership and help with coordinating other members in their respective delegations, as well as helping us get additional support for Alex statewide.

Augustus Alzona
Maryland Republican volunteer conservative grassroots coordinator

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sen. Alex X. Mooney's answers to the Questionaire for MDGOP Chairman candidates

Received from:

Senator Alex X. Mooney (1999 to 2010)

Questionnaire for MDGOP Chairman Candidates

1.      Given the current political climate, why are you running for what may right now be the toughest job in the state of Maryland?

We lost four State Senate races by one or two percent of the vote, this is unacceptable. The Republican Party of Maryland needs to be more supportive of candidates I will be a work horse for the Republican Party. With twelve years of experience as a State Senator I am uniquely qualified for this position I understand what it takes to win battles legislatively and on the campaign.

2.      Please provide a brief summary of your background and experience.

Shortly after graduation, Senator Mooney served as an aide to western Maryland Congressman Roscoe Bartlett. After Republicans took over Congress in the 1994 elections, Alex worked as a legislative analyst for the House Republican Conference Committee – part of the leadership of Congress. Alex later left Capitol Hill to work for a small conservative public policy organization.

After knocking on thousands of doors and working tirelessly making his case to the voters of the Third District, Alex was rewarded with 63% of the vote in the Republican primary and was sworn in on January 13, 1999, becoming the youngest and only Hispanic member of the Maryland State Senate.

Throughout his service to Maryland, Senator Alex X. Mooney, has consistently fought for the issues most important to the people of Frederick and Washington Counties: lowering taxes and reducing government spending, local control of education, better jobs, caring for our seniors, and ensuring we have a clean environment.

Senator Mooney received the Maryland Taxpayer of the Year award in 2000 and the National Hero of the Taxpayer Award for 2003 for consistently voting to protect the “little guy” by cutting burdensome government regulations and red tape on small businesses. Senator Mooney has also received the top business rating in the state by the Maryland Business for Responsive Government.

3.      Please describe your personal situation that will allow you to manage a very demanding volunteer job.

I have been working the past 6 years as executive director of The National Journalism Center.  I was able to balance the demands of that job with the demands of being a State Senator and will do the same as Party Chairman.

4.      What are the major duties of the state party chairman and what specific ideas do you have to accomplish them?

I just released my proposal to raise a net of $500,000 in 2011 as Party Chairman and I challenge any other candidate to pledge to fulfill this proposal.

State Senator Alex X. Mooney
Maryland State Republican Party
2011 Fundraising Plan Proposal

$500,000 (net)
Chairman - $250,000
First Vice Chairman  -  $75,000
Second Vice Chairman -  $50,000
Third Vice Chairman  -  $25,000

National Committeewoman - $50,000
National Committeeman - $50,000

*Chairman and his/her finance team must raise additional funds
if deficits exist from other party leaders who fail to meet the
Proposed fundraising requirements

I have been the top fundraiser as a Republican state senator, giving me the contacts and credibility to achieve this plan.

5.      What are your goals for the party for the next four years?

The role for chairman and of the other officers of the Republican Party of Maryland is to support Republican candidates for public office.  Merely offering advice and wishing candidates “good luck” is not enough.

I received most of my campaign training before I ran for office from a conservative training organization called The Leadership Institute (LI).  Morton Blackwell is the President of LI and has been Virginia’s National Republican Committeeman since 1998.  Mr. Blackwell served in the Reagan Administration and offers excellent training and guidance such as explaining that being right, in the sense of being philosophically correct, is not sufficient to win and that conservatives owe it to themselves to learn how to win.

Republican Party officials need to offer significant material support, including but not limited to:

·        Funding
·        Polling
·        Voter registration drives
·        Phone banking assistance
·        Absentee and provisional ballot programs
·        Early voting strategy/assistance
·        Get Out The Vote (GOTV) program
·        Information and research on issues and votes

This support needs to be provided by both the local Republican Central Committees and the State Party to those we encourage to seek office and especially to those in targeted races.

6.      How will you ensure that the party drafts candidates to fill all open seats, or do you think there is wisdom in choosing our battles and concentrating our resources?  

   I believe that every Democrat should have a Republican candidate run against them.  The party should help those candidates in the ways listed in question 5.

7.      How will you stem the tide of Republicans who are leaving the party to become Independents and attract conservative Independents to the party?

   The Republican party should implement a system and plan to register voters on a regular basis throughout the year.  I have done this personally by going door to door, and it can also be done through targeted registration drives at events.  Republicans need to clearly contrast our views with the failed policies of the liberal Democrat monopoly in power in Maryland to gain support from Independents or unaffiliated voters.

8.      Will you be bringing in new state party employees or using those currently in place?  How will you build upon the advancements of the previous administration?

   State party employees should be reviewed and given fair consideration for their position.  Fundraising picked up during 2010 and I will build upon that.  We needed to do a much better job of recruiting and funding candidates.

9.      Do you think the party is in danger of splitting into yet another faction over Tea Party vs. establishment, and where do you think you fall in that spectrum?

  There is always the danger of internal Republican differences.  But we need to remember that our opposition are the liberal Democrats imposing failed policies on our state.  I am a proud conservative and never voted for a tax hike in my twelve years in office.  I firmly support the Second Amendment, am pro-life, and pro-freedom.  My mother is an immigrant from a communist country (Cuba) and I believe in fighting for our freedoms from big government intrusion in America.

10. Are you concerned about bringing together the various factions within the party?  How would you go about doing that?

     Yes.  We need to have our differences in the primary, but come together in the general election because we have more in common with each other than we do with the Democrats.  The Republican Senator whom I defeated in 1998 endorsed my Democrat opponent.  This year, several prominent Republicans, including the Republican mayor of Frederick City and other former Republican elected officials who are more liberal than me, endorsed my Democrat opponent.  The Republican party needs to do a better job of internal discipline and the various factions need to be sternly instructed not to support liberal Democrats over Republicans.

11. What are your thoughts on whether the party should become involved in specific legislative and social issues, or function solely as a vehicle to allow our legislators to handle the issues?  Where do we take a stand and run the risk of alienating voters?

   Taking a stand always runs a risk of alienationg some voters, but it also brings voters into the party.  I believe in taking a strong stand on the issues and explaining to voters why our ideas are better.  We can not be "Democrat lite." 

   As a Senator, I cast tough votes and took strong positions.  I filibustered tax hikes and fought for traditional marriage.  The party's primary function, however, should be to elect candidates using the methods I explained in previous questions, not to legislate.  This would also allow for those very same conservative policy positions to have the actual votes to be implimented.

12. What criteria do you think should be used to determine whether or not to waive Rule 11?

     Each and every race has a different dynamic and this should be evaluated on a case by case basis.  Generally, the state party should be neutral in primaries.

13. Rule 11 aside, party favoritism for preferred candidates was a charge made by numerous campaigns this cycle against the MDGOP.  How can the party balance support for viable candidates with a respect for the will of the electorate in the primary?
     I just think the party needs more financial resources to be able to support candidates in general, especially those in competitive races who can defeat Democrats.

14. What plans do you have to deal with redistricting?  Do you see any benefits to the party that could come from redistricting?

     Since my district was targeted in redistricting ten years ago and made unsafe for a Republican, I have real life experience in this.  There may be some benefits if the Democrats overreach, or become too greedy. They may do this by assuming that we do not have good candidates and resources to target current Democrat legislative districts if they make them less safe in order to go after Republican districts.  Let's make sure they pay for making such an assumption.

    Therefore, we need to return to doing the things I explained in the previous questions and provide the resources and training to field strong Republican candidates throughout the state.  Redistricting will also almost certain go to court, and we need to be prepared for that as well.

15. Please briefly state any other comments you would like to share.

     I am the only candidate in this race to publicly pledge to raise $500,000 net next year.  I am the only candidate with twelve years of legislative experience to bring to this job.  I will be a work horse for the party and I know what it takes to win elections.  I ask for your support.

Some reasons why Maryland Republicans should elect State Senator Alex Mooney as Chairman

The Decline and Fall of the Montgomery County, Maryland Republican Party – Part 1 (Project to hold the RINOs accountable for ten years of decline)

In November 1994, the conservative Ellen Sauerbrey (Baltimore  County) / Paul Rappaport (Howard County) Maryland Republican gubernatorial team received over 41.33% of the general election vote here in “liberal” Montgomery County and was cheated out of winning statewide by a margin of less than 6,000 votes, due to voter fraud.  Nationwide, Republicans picked up seats in the U.S. House (54) and Senate (8), plus governorships (10), to net gain Republican majorities nationwide.

In November 2010, Republicans picked up majorities by net gains in the U.S. House (63) and governorships (6), plus a net gain in the Senate (6) minority.  The “moderate” Robert Ehrlich, Jr. (Baltimore County) / Mary Kane (Montgomery County) received a humiliating 30.51% of the general election vote in Montgomery County, despite having a local politician (Kane) on the ticket as well.  Ehrlich had previously received 38.34% here in 2002 with “conservative” running mate Michael Steele, the current RNC Chairman who happens to be black, and 36.66% in 2006 with non-ideological running mate Kristen Cox, who happens to be blind.

From the perspective as one who has spent the equivalent of full-time job hours, as both a community and political volunteer (activist, candidate, Party official) in Montgomery County for the last 17 years, I believe I can shed some light as to why the Ehrlich/Kane team did so poorly and how their control of the local Party over the last 10 years gradually brought about its downfall.

Though we now know that Mary Kane was not as helpful to the ticket as they had hoped she would be the local Ehrlich/Kane campaign failures should be equally shared with the local Party leadership as well.

In light of all of the above, plus much more of which may eventually end up in a book I could write about my 17 years of political experience in the state of Maryland, I strongly suggest that the members of the Maryland Republican Party State Central Committee NOT elect anyone to state Party leadership who played key roles during the last eight years of Ehrlich/Kane control of the local, as well as state Republican Parties. 

This is one of many reasons why I highly recommend that State Senator Alex Mooney be elected as Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party this coming Saturday morning, December 11, 2010.  As an experienced, three-term elected public official, he could raise more money than any other chairman candidate and has the longtime credibility with the conservative grassroots base of the Party, to most help both our state and local parties.  Maryland conservatives, as well as independents, will especially need his leadership when the anti-gun, pro-abortion, gay/lesbian/transgender lobbies, as well as other liberal forces, try to move our state even further to the left than it already is. 

A squishy “moderate” or less experienced conservative would not be able to lead the Party as effectively as Alex Mooney could, especially when this state soon becomes a battleground over those very social issues that the Maryland Republican establishment chose to ignore this election year - while they drank the liberal establishment’s “it’s the economy, stupid” political kool-aid to its peril - as evidenced by the 2010 election results.

Augustus Alzona

Former Montgomery County Republican Central Committee Member, Maryland Legislative District 16 (1998-2002, 2006-2010, resigned 10/26/2010).  Website:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

An alternative slate to what the establishment and lamestream media would prefer?

In my humble opinion, the following would be the best slate of candidates for election as the new leadership of the Maryland Republican Party.

Chairman - Hon. Alex Mooney, Frederick County (MD State Senator)

First Vice-Chairman - Sam Hale, Montgomery County (Tea Party activist)

Second Vice-Chairman - Hon. Larry Helminiak, Carroll County (Central Committeeman)

Third Vice-Chairman - Hon. Collins Bailey, Charles County (School Board)

Secretary - Mary Kane, Montgomery County (former candidate for Lt. Governor)

Treasurer - William Campbell, Howard County (former candidate for Comptroller)

What do you honestly think about these individuals and their qualifications for these respective offices?

Please post your comments below. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Montgomery County Republican Central Committee 2010 leadership election results

On November 10, 2010, the newly elected members of the Montgomery County, Maryland Republican Central Committee (MCRCC) elected officers - indicated below - to its Executive Board.  Some of these newly (and past) elected officers played key roles in the Ehrlich/Kane gubernatorial campaign's relatively poor results in both the Primary and General elections this year.

MCRCC members are elected every four years by all registered Republicans voting in the Maryland Gubernatorial Primary election.  Officers are elected by their fellow members every year.

MCRCC candidates listed in order of total votes received from 2010 Republican Primary voters.

Last NameFirst, Middle NameLD DistrictVotesCurrent status
Gingrich Rachael R.At Large14671
Stern BruceAt Large14522
Mccullough RyanAt Large13955
Green StellaAt Large13447
Cooke Andrew JAt Large12998
Marks Meyer F.At Large12881
Vovak DanielAt Large10951
Starkman MosheAt Large10877
Alzona AugustusAt Large10702LP
Darrow Sylvia15th2687
Gibble Mike15th25871st Vice Chair
Green Benjamin15th2578
Sauer George Edward15th2559D
Kuchmy Lorraine M15th2522
Schaerr Martha C19th2359
Fenati Patricia A.14th2338
Beck Thomas Emmett19th2211
Hansen Rick14th2096
Sacks Sheldon E.19th2079
Lauer Larry14th1950
Bowis Carol G16th1922
Bork Terry14th1792
Koutsoutis Anne14th1776
Phillips Al39th1747
Caldwell David J.39th1708
Brown Jeff39th1698
Ott Colleen S39th1681
Neuder Lisa R.16th1662Secretary
Lesser Larry16th1654
Focht Matthew J.39th1650
Kahwaty Henry14th1636LP
Uncapher Mark E.16th1575Chairman
Osuch Kurt18th1526
Decain Vincent F18th1482
Bullock Katja18th1475
Pasenelli Jennifer18th1471
Abrams Glenn Eliot17th1455
Midlen John18th1438
Herz James Patrick17th1358
Roseman David17th1317
Ring Nelson R.17th1293
Wang Josephine J.17th1237
Alzona Marcus16th1222
Arthungal Benjamin14th1097LP
Khozeimeh Issa16th1060LP
Owen-Williams Adol17th1008LP
Gillin Joseph P.20th700
Stewart Deanna20th700
Cotter Jeanette R.20th6942nd Vice Chair
Cotter J. David20th676Treasurer
LP=lost Primary