Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mission Accomplished! - With Tea Party help, traditional grassroots conservatives insure Mooney elected Maryland GOP Chairman.

In a hotly contested race, State Senator Alex X. Mooney of Frederick, was elected Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party at its Quadrennial Convention in Annapolis, Maryland, this morning.  Grassroots conservatives, including "Tea Party" members, insured a solid victory for Mooney by the second round of balloting taken after Mike Esteves, William Campbell and Sam Hale dropped out of the race.  One significant highlight of Mooney's victory is that he received the majority of Montgomery County's votes (a non-weighted tally of 23 raw votes to Mary Kane's 18).

In addition to all of those others who voted for Alex, we especially thank Montgomery County Republican Central Committee Members Al Phillips (LD 39), Jeff Brown (LD 39) and Rick Hansen (LD 14), for helping us rally members within the county.  Rick Hansen also helped facilitate candidate Sam Hale's honorable withdrawal from the race after the first ballot plus Hale's having asked his supporters to switch their earlier votes over to Mooney.

We would also like to thank Joe Burns (Carroll County), Erik Robey (Anne Arundel County)  and Joe Crawford (Charles County) for their leadership and help with coordinating other members in their respective delegations, as well as helping us get additional support for Alex statewide.

Augustus Alzona
Maryland Republican volunteer conservative grassroots coordinator


  1. Hey Gus,

    Your Mooney insurgency kicked our Campbell insurgency's rear end! Congratulations on that. We had a better program put together but our man sold out in an attempt to gain political points with the establishment. Such is life, we move on! And you know what, we did!

    Now the next challenge is to ensure that we don't have a repeat of the Pelura vs. executive board & legislature situation again.

    It's a new day in Maryland. Not the one we're hoping for, yet, but certainly a new one that will create the opportunity of a stronger Republican Party here.

    Congratulations to you and your crew!


  2. Well let me say, the entire December elections were as a result of a truly 'TEAM4GOP' effort between many different conservatives!

    In case you did not know, 'TEAM4GOP' stood for 'Together Everyone Achieves More 4 the GOP! Also we were leading with our 'TEA' party leadership, on many levels!

    There were more than one good, solid, conservative candidate choices for several officer positions, who were pushing forward our 'new' conservative agenda.

    We need to detail the differences between us and those tax & spend liberals in Annapolis.

    Maybe we can finally push out the 'Old Guard elites' who supposedly know so much better how to run elections in this state!

    They have not accomplished much in 40+ years, with the sole exception of a one time fluke Ehrlich victory, over KKT.

    Hopefully, all those conservatives who were involved in running for officer positions, even if they were not successful, stay involved!

    We certainly need their participation and numbers, to help continue this Democrat-lite purification process now moving forward!

    With any luck, some more solid conservative leadership, we can finally pushing the 'Old Guard' elites out of the way, and real, serious, progress towards an actual two party Maryland, and more Republican representation, can be achieved!
